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Bitcoin: $4125 (5,81%)
Litecoin: $4125 (5,81%)
ethereum: $4125 (5,81%)
dashcoin: $4125 (5,81%)
BCH: $4125 (5,81%)

Welcome to cryptavest.com

We have collected the best from the business of investment under a single virtual roof. The main activity is trading in cryptocurrency markets. This is the most profitable segment in the world of financial investments. Therefore, our investors get a stable profit. Our priority is long-term cooperation, so we are most interested in the success of all partners.Professional analysts monitor the cryptocurrency market, assess risks, make forecasts and strategies, sell and buy. All to ensure that our customers are satisfied.

We offer to invest in cryptocurrency without risk. In order to get the maximum profit, modern technologies and the best analytical minds are used in our company. Our personnel are fully interested, project-burning people with extensive experience in trading, in banking structures, in working with artificial intelligence and modern financial technologies.We work with cryptocurrency trading. Speaking simply, we buy cheap, we sell expensive. Behind such a simplified definition lies the great work of financial analysts. We value each employee and vouch for them. cryptavest.com is not an easy company making money from cryptocurrency trading, it's a family.


Profitable investment

Every investment starts paying back the next day.

A wide range of plans

We offer to make a choice of 3 optimally developed tariff plans.


Our tariff plans have minimal payback periods and allow having everyday earnings.


Our trading strategies allow us to profitably use the changes in currency rates.

how it works?

The main traders task is cheaper purchase and more expensive sell provided that the currency rate will grow. And vice versa if the rate will go down. However, currency exchange trading is a complicated system successful work with which requires market research, detailed analytics and forecasting. Received data allow trader making this or that decision within a created trading strategy.

step 1


Investor chooses an appropriate tariff plan and deposits a certain amount of money. All the deposits form an investment fund.

step 2


Financial analysts study the financial market, predict changes in currency rates and develop trading strategies.

step 3


A trader uses invested funds for trading. A trader works and gets profits using the data received while conducting the market research.

step 4


Every investor gets an appropriate share of the income which depends on the amount of the deposit and a chosen tariff plan.